Sunday, June 3, 2012

Week 9: Website Design

This week we were again working on our websites. We learned how to make tables and create the design in which we want our websites to look like. It took me a while and several I started out with a 2 by 2 table and then combined the two cells in the top row so that I could have a banner. This also gives me a side column for my links to different pages and a section for my content. I worked on the back ground color and got that as I wanted, as well as creating the different typing settings I wanted. I then worked on finding pictures. I had a lot of trouble trying to get my banner to look right because I was trying to get words to go over the picture, which I was able to achieve but the banner still wasn't centered in the row and after a while I just created it in Photoshop and then added it in like a picture. It worked like magic. After a few adjustments here and there I basically had my layout done, I just had to insert my content.

Over the weekend after class I had time to sit down and work on my website. I edited and tweaked a few things here and there, created all my pages and inserted the content on each page. Then I added pictures and a few other things to each page to make then their own. It took quite a while bit I feel really good about what I have created. I ran into a few snags here and there that became frustrating but after a while I was able to get around them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week 8: Website Design

This week we were introduced to making websites. We started off by looking at different websites and talking about what made them bad websites. A couple of the major things I noticed was the website backgrounds or designs being too out there or flashy and the user easiness being too complicated. We then also started by finding a website online for creating websites and tried to create our own to see how some of those worked. I used and it seemed to work pretty well. I liked it and would probably use it again in the future for my classroom or other projects.

Then we moved on to using the program dreamweaver. This is the program we will be using to create our actual websites for class. We were introduced to the basics like how to insert text, how to make words bigger and in color, and how to insert links. We were also shown how to find our website online. We were told as homework to think of what we want to do and how our website will look. I have decided to do my website on penguins because the first grade class which I am in has been doing a unit on five different penguins and I think that when I get it finished it might be nice to be able to show them.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Week 7: iPads & iPods

Today in class we acquired experience using iPads, iPods, a Smart-board, and the instructor equipment. With the iPads & iPods I gained experience looking for apps to use in a classroom setting. I am not sure if I would really use any of these apps in a classroom but my group found one that seemed useful for putting together a presentation or visual of some sort for a project. It was called Popplet. Working with this app was really easy and I was able to figure out how to use it fairly quickly just by messing around, so it would be fairly simple for kids. My group based our lesson plan on this application where we would have students use this app to compare offspring and parents of a certain animal for a unit on Africa.

I have never used a smart board up until today. It seems like there are so many things that you can do using this. I only got to mess around with a few of the things but I feel like there may be some useful tools on it. I got to work a little with the notepad and making written work to become typed and then grouping these into lists. I was also able to add pictures and use a few interactive tools. My group messed around with a dice that says the number in french when it lands on it. I felt a little overwhelmed with how much there was to do with the board. My classroom that I am student teaching is has a smart board, but I haven't gotten a chance to actually use it myself yet. I hope to soon.

I have previously used the instructor equipment and so I did not play around with this too much. It seems pretty simple because all of the buttons are labeled to be used pretty easily. I hope to has some sort of computer equipment similar to this in my classroom.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 6: Podcasting

This week we learned about podcasting. We started out by watching a video to learn about what exactly a podcast was and how they can be made. I did not really know much about podcasts before so this was a really good video for me to see and a great introduction. Then we went on itunes and explored educational podcasts. I found some a couple interesting podcasts on math topics.

We then learned we were going to get to create our own podcasts, that could possibly be used in an educational setting. Before starting we learned about garageband, the application where we were going to create our podcasts. At first I was unsure about all of this because I thought it was going to be really complicated. After our tutorial in class I felt a lot more comfortable about making a podcast. The only thing I was a little unsure about was actually recording my voice. I did not get to that part on this project yet, but I will get to that part eventually. I'm sure it won't be as bad as I am thinking it will be.

I don't know if podcasts will be a big part of my classroom. I don't know if I will really have time to make podcasts for my students. I don't think I would ever have my students make podcasts, especially because I hope to teach young students and I don't feel that I would use this resource at that age. I would really have to  look to find podcasts that fit into my lessons and make sure I really like it before using it in my future classroom.

Week 5: Literacy & Websites

This week we in class we talked about literacy in technology and hoax or real websites. We started off by reading an article about media literacy. This covered eight guidelines for teachers. We broke into groups and then formed questions that promote critical thinking and then presented these to the class using a few ways. The first one was a program downloaded onto a computer. Secondly we used a called which teachers can use to quiz students and make multiple kinds of quizzes. I actually really liked this website.

Secondly we each looked at a website to try to decide if it was a real or hoax website. The one I looked at was actually pretty interesting. It was about a place called Ruritania. At first I was confused at trying to figure out if it was even real or not because I had never heard of this country. I then read that it was a made up place for a college class to help them form politics in a country so that they actually get a hand in all of this. I also read that they tried to make it so only people from the class could access the website  but they could not. I like that they tried because people could come across this website and just assume that it is a real place.

I think that this week was really helpful because it gave me some great information about literacy. I also really liked learning how to use the different ways to use clickers in a classroom when quizzing students. I thought the part where we looked at websites was really cool. There were some websites out there that you really have to look at closely and think about to decide if they are real or not.

Week 4: Mapping

Before I talk about the activities from week four I want to mention that this week my group also finished up our video from last week. We ended up changing topics because our first topic was getting very complicated and was going to take a lot of work. Once we got going it ended up being fairly simple. I liked getting to be creative and add things like transitions and sounds or music into the video. I really enjoyed getting to make this video.

This week in class get got to work with Google Earth. I had used it a couple times before but I had never really looked all that into everything it does. I think that the mapping thing we did in class was really cool. I did mine on 5 of the lighthouses on the Oregon coast.

I think that this could be a really cool resource in a classroom. It could be used in many different ways and on many different topics. Even just Google Earth in general could be used as a resource for students in so many subjects. It can be used to give students a realistic view of a place that may be very far away. I also really like that it can be used to view in the ocean and outer space.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 3: Videos

This week we were introduced to our video assignment and to iMovie. We started out by watching a few videos about high school students making videos and how it effected their lives. They were very moving and really good to start with. We were introduced to the basics of iMovie and how to use and create our movies on it by combining clips and different sounds. It seems pretty simple to use but I actually haven't gotten a chance to mess around on it yet because my group did not get any shots that day in class. I liked the video that we watched that explained how to use iMovie and I think that if I ever used this as a tool in my classroom that it would be a good resource to use to introduce how to use iMovie. I do not know exactly how to incorporate this tool into my classroom but I think that it could be really good for students who are interested in making a movie for a project or assignment. I think that being open minded about assignments and giving students opportunities to be creative is good because it allows them to find enjoyment in school. I am looking forward to being able to create my 30 second video and I really hope that it turns out like I want it to turn out.